Admissions » International Students » International Student Enrollment

International Student Enrollment

Admissions Process
Life Christian Academy is a selective admissions school that works in cooperation with families who would like their students to participate in an excellent study-abroad program in the United States. 

Step 1
Complete an International Student Application for Admission, along with all International Registration Forms including:

  • One letter of reference in English from a pastor, teacher, or an adult non-relative who has known the applicant for several years.
  • Transcripts of all academic courses including grade 9 and above (translated in English)
  • Provide proof of financial responsibility (bank document) to cover tuition and expenses

Step 2
Submit the Application for Admission. The non-refundable enrollment deposit of $500 must be included, along with International Registration Forms.

A Skype or WeChat interview will be scheduled and will include:

  • Conversational English
  • A short essay on a topic we will provide during the interview
  • Reading an English text which we will provide

Step 3

  • If student is accepted for admission, a $3,000.00 non-refundable tuition deposit must be made for LCA to issue the SEVIS I-20. 
  • It is the agency's/family's responsibility to follow up with the American Embassy to ensure the F-1 student visa is issued prior to the student’s first day of school.